Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bring Data to the Classroom Webinar Series – Using Data for Instruction

Bringing data into the classroom early (undergraduate) and often in support of quantitative literacy and just plain fun is the goal of these sessions.  ICPSR hosts a wide variety ofResources for Instructors as well as several data tools that can be used to get students interested in data and data analysis without the intimidation factor. Part of the 2014 Data Fair, webinars in this series (with registration links) include the following:
Data, Data Everywhere and Not a Number to Teach!
Broadcast time (EDT): Thursday, October 9,  Noon (12:00pm)
Sifting through the many megabytes of data with which we are bombarded each day takes practice. This webinar will focus on teaching students how to evaluate the data with which they come in contact (think Joel Best’s books…). We will also present a variety of sources for “numbers” that can be used in teaching and examples of their use. Because working with numerical evidence is as much or more a mindset as it is a set of mathematical skills, the content should be especially helpful for faculty who might otherwise consider themselves “non-quantitative.”
Making Research Methods Fun (or at Least Tolerable)
Broadcast time (EDT): Thursday, October 9,  2:00pm
Can “social research” and “fun” really go together? We all know the value of social research and why learning methods is important, but students are typically not as easily convinced. Learn how to use ICPSR’s collection of data and tools to make your research methods course more engaging. We will demonstrate how a variety of concepts – including some of the less exciting ones like operationalization and sampling – can be taught using real data and/or the tools built to support those data. 
About The ICPSR Data Fair
ICPSR is pleased to present its program for the 2014 ICPSR Data Fair, which will take placeMonday through Thursday, October 6-9, 2014.
·         The full program is found here: http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/membership/datafair/index.html
·         Webinar broadcast times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
·         Webinars are free and open to the public, and it is permissible (even encouraged!) for organizations to broadcast these webcasts to groups of attendees.
·         Attendees must register for each webinar they want to attend.
·         Recordings and slide decks (when available) will be placed on ICPSR’s YouTube Channel. Look for the playlist titled, “2014 Data Fair.”

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